Saturday 30 May 2009

Told you I'd been working here.....

So skip a couple of months and we're here!

What I've got so far

shallots - they're doing fine on the surface but I don't know about underneath

carrots - hmmmm, not too sure about these. Following advice from a fellow plotter, Tooty, I haven't gone near these, either to thin or weed. So they look atrocious BUT I have confidence in them and we shall see when they are uprooted.

beetroot - I'm really not confident about these at all. There's a few seedlings but nothing to what I sowed earlier.

cabbage and broccoli - looking good - slow, steady progress

spinach and lettuce - happy with these, especially the spinach. Looking good

maincrop tatties, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries - dead chuffed with all of these.

And speaking of fruit, today I finally got round to constructing a bird-proof zone for them. I've never done anything like this before but I think it looks quite good, even if I do say so myself haha. Fingers crossed it stays upright because the wind can be quite strong at times. There's not a lot of shelter. We're sandwiched between the wide open space of a golf course on one side and the harbour entrance on the other.

My mum and dad were at a plant sale this morning and kindly bought me small brussel sprout plants. Now where to put them?......

Speak later, Christine

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