Saturday 30 May 2009

Told you I'd been working here.....

So skip a couple of months and we're here!

What I've got so far

shallots - they're doing fine on the surface but I don't know about underneath

carrots - hmmmm, not too sure about these. Following advice from a fellow plotter, Tooty, I haven't gone near these, either to thin or weed. So they look atrocious BUT I have confidence in them and we shall see when they are uprooted.

beetroot - I'm really not confident about these at all. There's a few seedlings but nothing to what I sowed earlier.

cabbage and broccoli - looking good - slow, steady progress

spinach and lettuce - happy with these, especially the spinach. Looking good

maincrop tatties, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries - dead chuffed with all of these.

And speaking of fruit, today I finally got round to constructing a bird-proof zone for them. I've never done anything like this before but I think it looks quite good, even if I do say so myself haha. Fingers crossed it stays upright because the wind can be quite strong at times. There's not a lot of shelter. We're sandwiched between the wide open space of a golf course on one side and the harbour entrance on the other.

My mum and dad were at a plant sale this morning and kindly bought me small brussel sprout plants. Now where to put them?......

Speak later, Christine


Well this is it folks - welcome to my allotment blog. I've been swithering for a wee while about whether to do this or not. I've been looking/reading a few others and I must say they're very impressive. It's really useful to pick up tips from others and actually seeing pics and also progress. So I've decided to give it a go.

On the downside though one my flaws is starting something, going at it with great gusto and then not keeping it up. I will try my best not to do that.

I'll also have to try extra hard to type more than 140 characters at a time because I'm so used to tweeting on Twitter now!

Anyway enough of this - welcome to 18b Greyhope Road!

After waiting approximately 3 years on the local authority waiting list I finally got the phone call. An offer of one of 2 plots - so me and hubby went to have a look. Here's a pic of 18b (never got a pic of the other but, believe me when I say, it was a small field absolutely full of weeds - knee high ones too. 18b was also a field of weeds but also had a shed and a decrepit greenhouse. At least there was something there. So I signed up, paid my money and set to work.
My next post will be along soon. As it's now been a couple of months since I started work at the plot I'm not going to post all the pics but just the most recent ones. Otherwise it would go on forever and I'd always be behind!
Speak later, Christine